This Sunday it is proposed that we head to Carlow. Straightforward down to Carlow for coffee (15mins max) and back with hopefully a tailwind. Relatively straight roads and flatish (600m) so group will be concentrating on rotating frequently and keeping the speed at conversation pace for the most part with the cadence high. The bigger the group the easier it will be so anyone who feels that they will be able for 100km at around 28kph average is welcome.
This Sunday it is proposed that we head to Carlow. Straightforward down to Carlow for coffee (15mins max) and back with hopefully a tailwind. Relatively straight roads and flatish (600m) so group will be concentrating on rotating frequently and keeping the speed at conversation pace for the most part with the cadence high. The bigger the group the easier it will be so anyone who feels that they will be able for 100km at around 28kph average is welcome.
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