This is our final training Sunday before the C Group Century on 26th July
It’s also ‘Rush to Russborough’ Sunday.
To fit in with both objectives we will start our spin at 7.30 am in order to be comfortable at Russborough by 11.30am after 100km.
The route will take us on the TOK path, taking in the new stretches around Maynooth and Kilcock. But leaving out the Wall. Keep that surprise till later!
It’s also ‘Rush to Russborough’ Sunday.
To fit in with both objectives we will start our spin at 7.30 am in order to be comfortable at Russborough by 11.30am after 100km.
The route will take us on the TOK path, taking in the new stretches around Maynooth and Kilcock. But leaving out the Wall. Keep that surprise till later!
Don’t forget to invite your families to Russborough for the BBQ.. Should be fun. I will be looking for numbers attending on the morning, before we start, for transmission to the organizers. So bear that in mind. Bring €5 a head for picnic and some for a coffee stop on the way, an energy bar in case we don’t stop. Ensure proper tyre pressures! Time is tight and we can’t afford unscheduled stops. That said, we will not be leaving anyone behind. It might be a ‘Rush’ but It’s not a race!
It is our intention to complete our training run around the lakes afterwards. ;-)) We will not be cracking the whip on that one! But it’s there for those with the energy after the BBQ.
Weather is forecast as calm and cloudy, but no heatwave. Heading out at 7.30 am will be an experience in itself. Quiet roads and out before ‘ the crazies’ get up!
Look forward to seeing all out for this final run at respectable pace. Inbetweeners will start at same time with an early cut off. Watch your FB page for updates on this.
It is our intention to complete our training run around the lakes afterwards. ;-)) We will not be cracking the whip on that one! But it’s there for those with the energy after the BBQ.
Weather is forecast as calm and cloudy, but no heatwave. Heading out at 7.30 am will be an experience in itself. Quiet roads and out before ‘ the crazies’ get up!
Look forward to seeing all out for this final run at respectable pace. Inbetweeners will start at same time with an early cut off. Watch your FB page for updates on this.
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