Its August !! Has to be the summer!!
But after our unholy baptism of last week we can take on anything Summer has to offer. I have had a request for the reverse of the Tour De Foothills! A little more benign than what I was planning but probably less challenging, given the forecast. It is for a little dampness and a southerly wind. So it should not be too much to the disliking of the assembled crew. I have decided to remove the Lakes as I am informed by one of my ‘spotters’ that The Lakes have been descecrated by the demon ‘surface dressers!’ who have taken the long weekend and their brushes away!!
Still giving us 113km and 1100m of climbing.
There will be no Joe Dolans on this trip to abuse, but bring rain gear in case he is still mad at us.
Back to normal sleep patterns! have a lie in and be up and running at 9am .
No Catherine Hinch or Trish McGuane for food and support Thomas Finnegan might rustle up a few brownies if he talks nice to ‘her indoors’. But we wont pressure him on that. So bring your own food and cash for food along with the usual bike checks and we will have a good day.
Look forward to seeing you all
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