C Group ride for Sunday 15th January
Sunday looks OK weather wise. Bit cool. But dry with a slight westerly breeze.
Nice easy spin today as we might be having a few late return after the Christmas and New Year layoff. But not letting them off entirely. We will be on mostly familiar roads with one new to most of us. We will however be travelling mostly opposite to what we are used to previously.
Coffee will probably be in Kildare, at 37km.
The emphasis on this spin will be orderly cycling, 2 by 2, in 2 lines.
If you are cycling on the inside line and you are to the right of the rider in front. You are forcing the person on YOUR right further out into the road. Can be dangerous and looks untidy from the back. Try to follow the wheel in front as much as possible.
Looking forward to see you all on Sunday(with fully inflated tyres). ;-D
John B


