Saturday Inbetweeners Spin 04/03/17
Leaving K Leisure car park @ 9.30am
This Saturday is the press launch of the
Tour de Foothills in aid of Sapplings School
at Finlay Motors, so if you have club gear
please wear it. We will meet as normal in
K Leisure and cycle to Finlay Motors for
photograph. When photo’s are finished we
will head out on our shortened spin so that
we will be back at our normal time.
Our spin will take us to Allen, Kilmeague,
Allenwood, Prosperous, Millicent Rd,
Digby Bridge and Carragh.
Don’t forget to bring emergency / coffee
money and your I.C.E. contacts / Road Id.
Make sure your tyres are pumped to correct
pressure, and you have a spare tube just in
Hope to see you Saturday.
Tony F.
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