This week, we are going to stay primarily in Kildare, with the briefest of visits to neighbours in Meath, so again make sure the bikes are clean and polished ;). For those of you that cycled with me last week, we will be covering some of the same route but in reverse this time.
We will leave the Court House at 9, heading for Newbridge. At the B & Q roundabout, turn right and follow the road to Allen. Slight climb into Kilmeague, turning left and another small but sharp climb before levelling out and heading for Allenwood, passing the Travellers Rest. Turning left in Allenwood, we head to Derrinturn, and onto Carbury before turning right and cycling to Johnstown Bridge and onto Enfield.
We will stop for coffee in Enfield, having cycled a little over half way.
After coffee, we leave Enfield and go to Kilcock and onto Maynooth. From Maynooth, we cycle to Straffan, the K Club, Sallins and back to the Court House.
If I manage to follow the course I’ve laid out, we will cycle 82.4k and have 318 metres of climbing. Probably best if you all study the map :). Everyone is welcome to come and no one will be left behind, but please ensure you are comfortable with the distance that the Saturday Inbetweeners spin covers.
Please have the basics with you, eg pump, tyre levers, tubes, money for coffee. No harm to have a rain coat just in case.
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