Saturday Inbetweeners Spin 07/10/17
Leaving K Leisure car park @ 9.30am.
This week our spin will take us in a figure of eight
taking in Blessington, Manor Kilbride, Lisheen Golf Club,
back to Blessington for coffee.
Our homeward journey will take us via Bishops hill,
Ballymore Eustace and home.
It’s that time of year again to dig out your mudguards
and fit your lights, making sure they work.
Inbetweeners charter and rules of the road to be
adhered to at all times.
Don’t forget to bring your I.C.E. contacts / Road Id,
and money for the important cup of coffee.
Make sure your tyres are pumped to correct
pressure, and you have a spare tube just in
Let’s be safe out on the road and enjoy ourselves.
Tony F.
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