This is C Group ride for Sunday 19th May, Unfortunately I will not be able to join you as some of us will be sunning ourselves in Majorca. But rest assured as you are cycling this route we will be doing something similar except in hotter climes. And will be thinking of you constantly.
I know its hard lads but… sure… somebody had to go!
This is a not too challenging route with some nice scenery and a few little leg stretchers thrown in. Anyone who wants a shorter route could turn off at Hollywood or Dunlavin.
Determine who is for taking the short route before leaving Naas, so as everyone is aware of where everyone is.
Mick will be keeping an eye to see no-one gets left behind.
Pace should be steady with the emphasis on fun, No Eyeballs out sprints, no pushing it at the front. But feel free to sprint the last 5km if you have the legs.
Dont forget your next-of-kin ID’s and some money for coffee. Coffee stop at Crookstown. One of our better stops.
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